"De kunst die zich bezighoudt met het combineren van vocale of instrumentale geluiden binnen een bepaalde tijd om emoties, idee\u00EBn of geestestoestanden over te brengen, veelal volgens culturele normen voor ritme, melodie en, in de meeste Westerse muziek, harmonie."@nl . . "300054146" . . . "2018-04-11T13:38:47"^^ . . "y\u012Bn yu\u00E8"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "El arte concerniente a la combinaci\u00F3n de sonidos vocales o instrumentales en tiempo r\u00EDtmico para comunicar emociones, ideas o estados de \u00E1nimo, usualmente acorde a estandares culturales de ritmo, melod\u00EDas y en la mayor\u00EDa de la m\u00FAsica occidental, armon\u00EDa."@es . . . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "yin y\u00FCeh"@zh-latn-wadegile . "muziek"@nl . . "\u5728\u56FA\u5B9A\u6642\u9593\u9577\u5EA6\u5167\uFF0C\u7531\u6B4C\u5531\u6216\u6A02\u5668\u8072\u97F3\u7684\u6240\u7D44\u6210\u7684\u85DD\u8853\u5F62\u5F0F\uFF0C\u7528\u65BC\u50B3\u9054\u60C5\u611F\u3001\u60F3\u6CD5\u6216\u5FC3\u5883\u7684\u85DD\u8853\u3002\u97F3\u6A02\u7684\u7D44\u6210\u65B9\u5F0F\u901A\u5E38\u63A1\u7528\u4F9D\u6587\u5316\u800C\u6709\u4E0D\u540C\u7684\u7BC0\u594F\u3001\u65CB\u5F8B\u8207\u548C\u8072(\u4F8B\u5982\u5927\u591A\u6578\u7684\u897F\u6D0B\u97F3\u6A02)\u6A19\u6E96\u3002"@zh-hant . . "m\u00FAsica"@es . "Performing arts genre having to do with the combining of vocal or instrumental sounds in measured time to communicate emotions, ideas, or states of mind, usually according to cultural standards of rhythm, melody, and, in most Western music, harmony."@en . "\u97F3\u6A02"@zh-hant . "yin yue"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . . . "music (performing arts genre)"@en .