. . . "Tapestry woven in wool and silk on a woollen warp with 18-20 warp threads to the inch. Depicting Mercury admonishing Aeneas. To the right stands Aeneas in a red cloak, breastplate and chain-mail skirt over a short tunic. His right hand rests on a long staff and his left hand on his hip. On the left, Mercury with winged cap and sandals, approaches Aeneas and points backwards with the caduceus to the ships which wait to take Aeneas onto Italy and to his destiny away from Dido. Part of the wall of Carthage is seen behind Aeneas. Between the two figures in the background is the edge of a wood, and behind Mercury the green coast land stretches down to the sea. A stream cuts off this landscape from the rocky foreground with flowers and plants on which the figures and the building stand."@en .