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Embroidered wall hanging, worked mainly in tent stitch in silk and wool on a linen canvas ground. Some areas of applique with chain stitch (fruit trees in chinese pots). The design was drawn on the canvas prior to embroidery, and can be seen in some areas where the stitches have dropped out. From this evidence it appears that some small areas of the design (for example flowers) were not executed, or were worked differently from the original design. The canvas ground consists of four pieces of canvas running from side to side of the hanging: two complete loom widths of 93cms, one half width of 51 cms at the upper edge of the hanging, and one width of 81cms at the lower edge. The lower edge has been cut and it is possible that the embroidery was originally deeper. There may also be a section missing from the top of the embroidery. To the left of the centre there is an inverted L-shape cut which runs from the lower edge vertically for half the height and then horizontally to the right for a shorter distance, made for a door opening (visible in 1909 Country Life photograph) (darned across later). The object forms a parallelogram, having been pulled into that shape by the tension produced by the embroidery. The canvas is woven with 22 picks, 22 ends per inch (2.5cm). The design is of a formal garden. It shows an orangery, a parterre, with two classical statues (Mercury and Bacchus) and a round basin with a fountain and statue of a putto riding on a dolphin, the corner of a larger pond (faced with flints, like a grotto ?), a wrought iron gate in the foreground, in the middle of a stone balustrade, with stone lions holding shields, one containing the arms of Knightly (Thomas Foley (d.1737) married Anne Knightly of Fawsley, Northants, c.1688), 14 lemon and orange trees in Chinese porcelain pots, decorated in blue and red on white ground, and urns, flower beds of brown earth with tulips and carnations in formal rows, standard clipped box trees in the centre of the beds, and yews at the corners, some with berries, two standard hollies with berries in urns on the balustrade, row of lilies in pots on the left, rows of miniature larch (?) trees, avenue of pine trees on the left, rick wall to either side of the orangery with espalier fruit trees, possibly grapes, peaches, figs and plums, archways through to the outside: on the left, a grove of trees behind a wall with church tower and flag, blue hills in the distance, and clouds, birds and animals: 2 swans, 2 peacocks, macaw, cockatoo, 3 spaniels, 1 chasing squirrel, and people: a couple by the fountain, a couple by the far left wall, and two men with a black page, far left edge. Depicting a formal garden, known as the larger 'Stoke Edith Hanging'.