"black-glaze ware (black-gloss ware)"@en . "Fine ware that was widely produced in the Mediterranean region from the 4th to the 1st centuries BCE. It is distinguished by being wholly or in part covered with a black slip or gloss, which is not actually a glaze (although it is sometimes called \"black-glaze ware\"). This ware developed from later Attic production, but by the Hellenistic period (about 330-30 BCE), it had become the most popular fine ware throughout the Mediterranean. It was the first pottery to be exported in quantity from southern Italy by the 3rd century BCE."@en . "300387491" . "black-gloss wares"@en . "2013-08-29T13:26:54"^^ . . . "black gloss pottery"@en . "ware, black-gloss"@en . "2015-05-27T11:59:04"^^ . . "black-gloss ware"@en .