"mandapa's"@nl . "ma\u1E47\u1E0Dapa"@en . "2006-09-29T13:42:34"^^ . "Pillared halls or porch structures incorporated into northern Indian Hindu temples. They may connect to the shrine directly, lead to intermediary spaces, or be completely detached from the shrine itself."@en . . "man da bo"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . . "man ta po"@zh-latn-wadegile . . . "\u66FC\u62FF\u6CE2\u67F1\u5ECA"@zh-hant . "ma\u1E47\u1E0Dapas"@en . "300266128" . "\u5317\u5370\u5EA6\u795E\u5EDF\u7D50\u69CB\u6240\u63A1\u7528\u7684\u542B\u67F1\u5EF3\u5ECA\u6216\u9580\u5ECA\uFF0C\u6709\u7684\u8207\u8056\u7960\u9023\u63A5\uFF0C\u901A\u5F80\u4E2D\u9593\u5340\u57DF\uFF0C\u6709\u7684\u5247\u5B8C\u5168\u8207\u8056\u7960\u5206\u96E2\u3002"@zh-hant . "mandapas (building fixtures)"@en . "m\u00E0n d\u00E1 b\u014D"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "mantapas"@en . "2013-03-29T09:40:00"^^ . . "Zuilenhallen of veranda-achtige structuren die deel uitmaken van Noord-Indiase hindoetempels. Ze kunnen rechtstreeks in verbinding staan met het heiligdom, naar tussenruimten leiden of volledig los staan van het heiligdom zelf."@nl . "\u66FC\u9054\u6CE2"@zh-hant .