"\u725B\u8015\u5F0F\u8F49\u884C\u66F8\u5BEB"@zh-hant . "300263327" . "\u671D\u76F8\u53CD\u7684\u65B9\u5411\u63DB\u884C\u7684\u66F8\u5BEB\u904E\u7A0B\uFF0C\u4E00\u884C\u662F\u7531\u5DE6\u5BEB\u5230\u53F3\uFF0C\u4E0B\u4E00\u884C\u5247\u662F\u7531\u53F3\u5BEB\u5230\u5DE6\uFF0C\u884C\u4E2D\u7684\u6587\u5B57\u5F9E\u53F3\u908A\u958B\u59CB\u5BEB\u8D77\uFF0C\u5982\u93E1\u50CF\u822C\u5DE6\u53F3\u76F8\u53CD\u7684\uFF1B\u6B64\u7A2E\u66F8\u5BEB\u65B9\u5F0F\u53EF\u898B\u65BC\u4EE5\u53E4\u5E0C\u81D8\u8A9E\u8207\u5176\u4ED6\u8A9E\u8A00\u6240\u5BEB\u6210\u7684\u5404\u5F0F\u53E4\u4EE3\u9298\u6587\u3002\u96B1\u55BB\u5F0F\u5730\u7528\u65BC\u5206\u6790\u6558\u8FF0\u6027\u7E6A\u756B\uFF0C\u4EE5\u6307\u6D89\u756B\u4E2D\u666F\u81F4\u7531\u53F3\u5230\u5DE6\uFF0C\u7136\u5F8C\u53C8\u5DE6\u5230\u53F3\u7684\u6392\u5217\u914D\u7F6E\u3002"@zh-hant . . "li geng shi zhuan hang shu xie fa"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "The process of writing alternate lines in opposite directions, one line from left to right, then the next from right to left, with the letters in the lines starting at right reversed as in a mirror; found in various ancient instriptions in Greek and other languages. Used metaphorically in analysis of narrative painting to refer to the disposition of the scene from right to left, then from left to right."@en . "boustrophedon"@en . "2013-03-29T09:30:17"^^ . . "boustrofedon"@nl . "bustr\u00F3fedon"@es . . "l\u00ED g\u0113ng sh\u00EC zhu\u01CEn h\u00E1ng sh\u016B xi\u011B f\u01CE"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "li keng shih chuan hang shu hsieh fa"@zh-latn-wadegile . "1999-08-02T00:00:00"^^ . "Het schrijven van opeenvolgende regels in tegengestelde richting, om beurten van links naar rechts en van rechts naar links, waarbij de letters van de regels die rechts beginnen gespiegeld worden geschreven. Aangetroffen in verschillende oude geschriften in het Grieks en andere talen. Wordt metaforisch gebruikt bij de analyse van verhalende schilderingen, als verwijzing naar compositie die eerst van rechts naar links en vervolgens van links naar rechts is geplaatst."@nl . "\u7281\u8015\u5F0F\u8F49\u884C\u66F8\u5BEB\u6CD5"@zh-hant . "Proceso de escribir l\u00EDneas alternas en las direcciones opuestas, empezando en el mismo lado que ha terminado la anterior. Encontrado en varias inscripciones antiguas en griego y otros idiomas. Utilizado metaf\u00F3ricamente en an\u00E1lisis de la pintura narrativa referida a la disposici\u00F3n de las escenas."@es . "boustrophedonic"@en . "\u725B\u8015\u5F0F\u8F49\u884C\u66F8\u5BEB\u6CD5"@zh-hant .