"\u67D0\u4E9B\u975E\u958B\u82B1\u690D\u7269\u7565\u5448\u5713\u9310\u5F62\u7684\u679C\u5BE6\uFF0C\u7279\u5225\u662F\u677E\u67CF\u79D1\u690D\u7269\uFF0C\u7531\u91CD\u758A\u6216\u76F8\u63A5(\u4E0D\u91CD\u758A)\u7684\u9C57\u7247\u69CB\u6210\uFF0C\u5167\u542B\u80DA\u73E0\u6216\u7A2E\u5B50\uFF0C\u8207\u5176\u4ED6\u690D\u7269\u7684\u82B1\u591A\u5C11\u6709\u4E9B\u985E\u4F3C\u3002"@zh-hant . "1994-06-12T00:00:00"^^ . "pi\u00F1a (fruta)"@es . "qiu guo"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "\u6BEC\u679C (\u679C\u5BE6)"@zh-hant . "qi\u00FA gu\u01D2"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . . . . "300251440" . "dennenappel"@nl . "dennenappels"@nl . "cone (fruit)"@en . "ch'iu kuo"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Fruto m\u00E1s o menos c\u00F3nico de algunas plantas sin flores, especialmente con\u00EDferas, que consiste en escamas sobrepuestas o en forma de valvas que contienen los \u00F3vulos o semillas."@es . "The more or less conical fruit of certain nonflowering plants, especially conifers, consisting of overlapping or valvate scales which bear ovules or seeds. More or less analagous to the flower of other plants."@en . "2013-03-29T09:21:15"^^ . "strobilus"@en . "Min of meer kegelvormige vrucht van bepaalde bloemloze planten, met name coniferen, die uit overlappende of klepvormige schubben bestaan waarin zaadknoppen of zaden zitten."@nl .