"2012-01-20T15:23:54"^^ . "diaper (textile material)"@en . "l\u00EDng x\u00EDng xi\u00E9 w\u00E9n b\u00F9"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "pellenweefsel"@nl . . "300231169" . . "Textil de dise\u00F1o autom\u00E1tico con un dise\u00F1o peque\u00F1o y rectil\u00EDneo formado por contraste de las caras de urdimbre y trama del textil."@es . "ling hsing hsieh wen pu"@zh-latn-wadegile . . "Self-patterned textile with a small rectilinear pattern formed by contrasting the weave's warp and weft faces."@en . "pa\u00F1al (material textil)"@es . "Textiel die van zichzelf een klein rechtlijnig patroon heeft, gevormd door contrasten tussen de schering- en inslagzijden van het weefsel."@nl . "\u81EA\u6210\u5716\u6848\u7684\u7D21\u7E54\u54C1\uFF0C\u5E36\u6709\u5C0F\u578B\u76F4\u7DDA\u5716\u6848\uFF0C\u7531\u7D93\u9762\u548C\u7DEF\u9762\u4EA4\u932F\u69CB\u6210\u3002"@zh-hant . "ling xing xie wen bu"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "\u83F1\u5F62\u659C\u7D0B\u5E03"@zh-hant . "\u83F1\u5F62\u88DD\u98FE"@zh-hant . "1992-12-03T00:00:00"^^ . "\u83F1\u5F62\u82B1\u7D0B"@zh-hant .