"opiniepeiling"@nl . "Encuestas tomadas mediante un muestreo de un sector cruzado del p\u00FAblico, en un esfuerzo por predecir resultados de una elecci\u00F3n o establecer las opiniones del p\u00FAblico."@es . "\u9078\u53D6\u7279\u5B9A\u7FA4\u773E\u70BA\u6A23\u672C\u9032\u884C\u6295\u7968\uFF0C\u4EE5\u9810\u6E2C\u9078\u8209\u7D50\u679C\u6216\u78BA\u5B9A\u7FA4\u773E\u610F\u5411\u3002"@zh-hant . "\u6C11\u610F\u6E2C\u9A57"@zh-hant . "sondeo"@es . "public opinion polls"@en . "opinion polls"@en . "min i ts'e yan"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Polls taken by sampling a cross section of the public in an effort to predict election results or establish public attitudes."@en . "min yi ce yan"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "opiniepeilingen"@nl . "m\u00EDn y\u00EC c\u00E8 y\u00E0n"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "sondeos de opini\u00F3n p\u00FAblica"@es . "300223011" . . . "2014-08-01T08:21:16"^^ . "Peilingen om verkiezingsuitslagen te voorspellen of openbare meningen vast te stellen die worden gehouden door steekproefsgewijs een deel van de bevolking te onderzoeken."@nl . . "\u6C11\u610F\u8ABF\u67E5"@zh-hant . "public opinion poll"@en . "1992-08-04T00:00:00"^^ . "sondeo de opini\u00F3n p\u00FAblica"@es .