"\u5370\u5237\u65BC\u9996\u9801\u4E0B\u89D2\u7684\u5B57\u6BCD\u3001\u6578\u5B57\u6216\u5B57\u6BCD\u8207\u6578\u5B57\u7684\u7D44\u5408\uFF0C\u6709\u6642\u5370\u88FD\u65BC\u6BCF\u4E00\u66F8\u5E16\u7684\u9801\u9762\u4E0A\uFF0C\u4F5C\u70BA\u4EE5\u6B63\u78BA\u9806\u5E8F\u9032\u884C\u88DD\u8A02\u7684\u6307\u5F15\u3002"@zh-hant . "\u6298\u6A19"@zh-hant . "\u66F8\u5E16"@zh-hant . "Letters or numbers, or combinations of letters and numbers, printed at the foot of the first page, and sometimes on subsequent leaves of a gathering, as a guide to the binder in arranging them in their correct order."@en . "marks, quire"@en . "signatura (notaci\u00F3n de encuadernaci\u00F3n)"@es . "2001-07-26T22:01:27"^^ . . "signature (binder's notation)"@en . "marks, signature"@en . "sh\u016B ti\u011B"@zh-latn-wadegile . "signaturas (notaci\u00F3n de encuadernaci\u00F3n)"@es . "shu tie"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "\u8CBC\u78BC"@zh-hant . "signatures (binders' notations)"@en . "quire marks"@en . "signature marks"@en . "\u5E16\u865F"@zh-hant . . "signaturen (aantekeningen van de binder)"@nl . "300206223" . "2014-08-01T08:39:35"^^ . "Letters, nummers of combinaties van letters en nummers, die onderaan de eerste pagina gedrukt staan en soms, bij een stapel, ook op de daaropvolgende bladzijden, die dienen als leidraad om ze op de goede volgorde te schikken."@nl . . "sh\u016B ti\u011B"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "signatuur (aantekening van de binder)"@nl .