"2017-07-03T13:47:44"^^ . "300194373" . "di\u01CEn z\u00EC"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "dian zi"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "\u9EDE\u5B57"@zh-hant . "braille"@en . "braille"@nl . . "braille"@es . "Braille"@en . . "\u5E03\u840A\u8449\u76F2\u5B57"@zh-hant . "\u8996\u89BA\u969C\u7919\u8005\u4F7F\u7528\u7684\u66F8\u5BEB\u8207\u5370\u5237\u7CFB\u7D71\uFF0C\u4F7F\u7528\u5C0F\u5713\u9EDE\u7684\u7D44\u5408\u70BA\u8868\u73FE\u7684\u7B26\u865F\uFF0C\u4EE5\u89F8\u6478\u7684\u65B9\u5F0F\u4F86\u95B1\u8B80\u3002"@zh-hant . "Systeem van drukken of schrijven dat kan worden gebruikt door visueel gehandicapten, waarbij combinaties van stippen of puntjes worden gebruikt om karakters weer te geven die op de tast worden gelezen."@nl . . "1991-07-08T00:00:00"^^ . "System of writing or printing for the use of the visually impaired in which combinations of dots or points are used to represent characters and are read by touch."@en . "tien tzu"@zh-latn-wadegile .