"1989-08-25T00:00:00"^^ . . "loto (motivo)"@es . "Either of two motifs that are both based on types of waterlily, one originating in ancient Egypt and the other in India. Within Egyptian lotus motifs, two varieties occur from the beginning of the Dynastic period ca. 3000 BCE: If the flower-head has a curved outline, it is based on the white-flowered species Nymphaea lotus, while if the flower has a triangular outline, it is based on the blue-flowered species, Nymphaea caerulea. The Egyptian motif continued in Greek, Roman, and later European art. For the Indian lotus specifically, based on the species Nelumbo nucifera, use the narrower term \"padma.\""@en . "flor de loto (motivo)"@es . "lotus (motif)"@en . "2014-01-08T08:20:02"^^ . "300165258" . . . "\u00DAsese para motivos decorativos de flores o capullos sumamente convencionalizados derivados de ciertas plantas egipcias; com\u00FAn en el antiguo arte egipcio, en el clasicismo y en antemios."@es . . "lotus (motivo)"@es . "lotus (motief)"@nl . "Te gebruiken voor het decoratieve motief van zeer gestileerde bloemen of knoppen afgeleid van bepaalde Egyptische planten; gebruikelijk in oude Egyptische kunst en in anthemia in neo-klassieke stijlen."@nl . .