"\u963F\u5F4C\u6D3E"@zh-hant . "Se refiere al trabajo de una escuela de pintores durante el siglo XV, que surgi\u00F3 del monasterio Zen y reanim\u00F3 la tradici\u00F3n de pintura a tinta del per\u00EDodo Muromachi (1333-1568). La escuela fue representada por tres generaciones de pintores Ami, cuyo deber principal era el conservador de objetos chinos de arte en la colecci\u00F3n del Ashikaga. El estilo combina las coladas y los puntos ricos de la pintura china tradicional de la dinast\u00EDa meridional de Sung (1127-1279), con algunos elementos de la pintura coreana."@es . "a mi p'ai"@zh-latn-wadegile . "\u6307\u5341\u4E94\u4E16\u7D00\u6E90\u81EA\u79AA\u5B97\u4FEE\u9053\u9662\u7684\u756B\u6D3E\u4F5C\u54C1\uFF0C\u5FA9\u8208\u5BA4\u753A\u6642\u4EE3\uFF08\u897F\u51431333\u5E74\u81F31568\u5E74\uFF09\u7684\u6C34\u58A8\u756B\u50B3\u7D71\u3002\u756B\u6D3E\u4EE3\u8868\u4EBA\u7269\u5206\u5225\u70BA\u4E09\u500B\u4E16\u4EE3\u7684\u963F\u5F4C\u6D3E\u756B\u5BB6\uFF0C\u4E3B\u8981\u7BA1\u7406\u8DB3\u5229\u5E55\u5E9C\u6536\u85CF\u7684\u4E2D\u570B\u85DD\u8853\u54C1\u3002\u963F\u5F4C\u6D3E\u98A8\u683C\u878D\u5408\u4E86\u50B3\u7D71\u4E2D\u570B\u5357\u5B8B\uFF08\u897F\u51431127\u5E74\u81F31279\u5E74\uFF09\u7E6A\u756B\u7684\u8C50\u5BCC\u6C34\u58A8\u8207\u9EDE\u67D3\u6280\u6CD5\uFF0C\u4EE5\u53CA\u67D0\u4E9B\u97D3\u570B\u7E6A\u756B\u7684\u5143\u7D20\u3002"@zh-hant . . "Refers to the work of a school of painters during the 15th century, who emerged out of the Zen monastaries and revived the ink painting tradition of the Muromachi period (1333-1568). The school was represented by three generations of Ami painters, whose main duty was curator of Chinese art objects in the collection of the Ashikaga shogunate. The style combines the rich washes and dots of traditional Chinese painting of the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), with some elements of Korean painting."@en . "a mi pai"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . . "Verwijst naar het werk van een school van schilders uit de 15de eeuw, die ontstond in zenkloosters en die de traditie van het schilderen met inkt uit de Muromachi-periode (1333-1568) nieuw leven inblies. De school werd vertegenwoordigd door drie generaties Ami-schilders, die in hoofdzaak conservator waren van Chinese kunstobjecten in de collectie van het Ashikaga-shogunaat. De stijl combineert de rijke wassingen en stippen van de traditionele Chinese schilderkunst van de Zuidelijke Song-dynastie (1127-1279) met sommige elementen van Koreaanse schilderkunst."@nl . "Ami School"@en . "300114457" . "Escuela Ami"@es . "\u4E09\u963F\u5F4C"@zh-hant . "Ami"@en . "Ami-school"@nl . "\u0101 m\u00ED p\u00E0i"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "2017-08-25T10:44:05"^^ . .