"deconstrucci\u00F3n (teor\u00EDa)"@es . "deconstructive"@en . . "xi\u00E8 g\u00F2u"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "hsieh kou"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Kritisch analytisch onderzoek dat halverwege de 20e eeuw is ontstaan en is gericht op het aan het licht brengen van onbetwiste veronderstellingen en interne tegenstrijdigheden in filosofisch en literair taalgebruik."@nl . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "300067121" . "deconstructie"@nl . "\u89E3\u69CB"@zh-hant . "xie gou"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "\u8208\u8D77\u65BC\u4E8C\u5341\u4E16\u7D00\u4E2D\u671F\u7684\u6279\u5224\u6027\u5206\u6790\u7B56\u7565\uFF0C\u63ED\u767C\u54F2\u5B78\u4E0A\u548C\u6587\u5B78\u8A9E\u8A00\u4E2D\u7121\u4EBA\u61F7\u7591\u7684\u5047\u8A2D\u548C\u5176\u5167\u7684\u77DB\u76FE\u3002"@zh-hant . . "deconstruction (theory)"@en . "Strategy of critical analysis arising in the mid-20th century, directed toward exposing unquestioned assumptions and internal contradictions in philosophical and literary language."@en . "Estrategia de an\u00E1lisis cr\u00EDtico originada a mediados del siglo XX, dirigido hacia la exposici\u00F3n de supuestos indiscutidos y contradicciones internas en el lenguaje filos\u00F3fico y literario."@es . "2012-01-20T14:35:41"^^ . .