"1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . . "arbeidsmobiliteit"@nl . "lao tung liu tung hsing"@zh-latn-wadegile . "mobility, labour"@en-gb . "labour mobility"@en-gb . "mobility, labor"@en-us . "labor mobility"@en-us . "De mate waarin werknemers bereid zijn zich van de ene plaats naar de andere te verplaatsen of te veranderen van baan of beroep."@nl . "The degree to which workers are willing to move from one place to another or to change from one position or occupation to another."@en . "l\u00E1o d\u00F2ng li\u00FA d\u00F2ng x\u00ECng"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . . "movilidad del trabajo"@es . "2012-01-20T14:23:29"^^ . "300055409" . "\u52DE\u52D5\u6D41\u52D5\u6027"@zh-hant . "lao dong liu dong xing"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "mobility of labour"@en-gb . "mobility of labor"@en-us . "Es la esfera de acci\u00F3n en que los obreros est\u00E1n dispuestos a moverse de una regi\u00F3n o pa\u00EDs a otro o cambiar de una ocupaci\u00F3n a otra."@es . . "\u610F\u6307\u52DE\u5DE5\u5F9E\u4E00\u5730\u79FB\u5230\u53E6\u4E00\u5730\u7684\u610F\u9858\u7A0B\u5EA6\uFF1B\u6216\u662F\u6307\u52DE\u5DE5\u5F9E\u67D0\u8077\u4F4D\u6216\u5DE5\u4F5C\u8F49\u63DB\u5230\u53E6\u4E00\u500B\u8077\u4F4D\u6216\u5DE5\u4F5C\u7684\u610F\u9858\u7A0B\u5EA6\u3002"@zh-hant .