"1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "\u96FB\u963B\u5F0F\u7194\u63A5"@zh-hant . "Een vorm van elektrisch druklassen, waarbij de benodigde warmte wordt geproduceerd door stroom door de te lassen delen te sturen. Tegelijk met de stroom wordt een bepaalde hoeveelheid druk ontwikkeld die groot genoeg is om de lasverbinding te maken."@nl . "\u96FB\u963B\u710A"@zh-hant . "A form of electrical pressure welding in which the necessary heat is produced by a flow of current through the parts to be welded. Sufficient pressure to make the weld is applied simultaneously with the flow of current."@en . "resistance-welded"@en . "Forma de soldadura el\u00E9ctrica a presi\u00F3n en la cual el calor necesario es suministrado por un flujo de corriente entre las partes por soldar. Se aplica simult\u00E1neamente al flujo de corriente una presi\u00F3n suficiente para realizar la soldadura."@es . . "\u96FB\u963B\u92B2"@zh-hant . "weerstandlassen"@nl . "welding, electric resistance"@en . . "300053961" . "\u96FB\u963B\u710A\u63A5"@zh-hant . . "\u63A5\u89F8\u710A"@zh-hant . "welding, resistance"@en . "dian zu han jie"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "weerstandgelast"@nl . "2017-08-25T10:41:42"^^ . "\u4E00\u7A2E\u96FB\u58D3\u710A\u63A5\u7684\u5F62\u5F0F\uFF0C\u4EE5\u96FB\u6D41\u901A\u904E\u6B32\u710A\u63A5\u7684\u90E8\u5206\u88FD\u9020\u51FA\u6240\u9700\u71B1\u80FD\uFF0C\u96FB\u6D41\u901A\u904E\u7684\u540C\u6642\uFF0C\u6703\u65BD\u52A0\u8DB3\u5920\u7684\u96FB\u58D3\u4EE5\u5B8C\u6210\u710A\u63A5\u3002"@zh-hant . "resistance welding"@en . "\u96FB\u963B\u7194\u63A5"@zh-hant . "di\u00E0n z\u01D4 h\u00E0n ji\u0113"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "electric resistance welding"@en . "\u96FB\u963B\u92B2\u63A5"@zh-hant . "soldadura por resistencia"@es . "tien tsu han chieh"@zh-latn-wadegile .