"tz'u t'ieh"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Objetos que poseen la propiedad de atraer hierro o acero y producir un campo magn\u00E9tico externo a si mismo."@es . . "Rocks, material, or objects that produces a magnetic field external to itself, which causes the magnet to attract other ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, and attracts or repels other magnets."@en . "Voorwerpen die de eigenschap bezitten dat ze aantrekkingskracht uitoefenen op metaal en staal en een magnetisch veld om zich heen produceren."@nl . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "\u78C1\u9AD4"@zh-hant . "c\u00ED ti\u011B"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "magnets"@en . . . "magneet"@nl . "2017-08-25T11:40:07"^^ . "300024549" . "im\u00E1n"@es . "1994-05-24T00:00:00"^^ . "\u78C1\u9435"@zh-hant . "ci tie"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "imanes"@es . "aimants"@fr . "\u9019\u985E\u7269\u4EF6\u5177\u6709\u5438\u9644\u9435\u6216\u92FC\u7684\u7279\u6027\uFF0C\u5176\u672C\u8EAB\u80FD\u5275\u9020\u4E00\u7A2E\u5916\u5728\u78C1\u5834\u3002"@zh-hant . "magneten"@nl . "aimant"@fr . "magnet"@en .