. "ch'ang chiao ch\u00FC ching t'ou"@zh-latn-wadegile . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "telelenzen"@nl . "lenses, long-focus"@en . "long-focus lenses"@en . "\u9577\u7126\u8DDD\u900F\u93E1"@zh-hant . "objetivo de foco largo"@es . "\u9577\u7126\u8DDD\u93E1\u982D"@zh-hant . "lenses, long-focal-length"@en . "2017-08-25T11:28:42"^^ . "telelens"@nl . . "long-focus lens"@en . "lente de foco largo"@es . "chang jiao ju jing tou"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . . "Diverse lenzen waarvan de brandpuntsafstand aanzienlijk groter is dan de diagonaal van het negatief in de samenstelling waarin het wordt gebruikt."@nl . "Any lens whose focal length is appreciably greater than the diagonal of the negative in the format in which it is used."@en . . "ch\u00E1ng ji\u0101o j\u00F9 j\u00ECng t\u00F3u"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "long focal length lenses"@en . "\u5176\u7126\u8DDD\u660E\u986F\u5927\u65BC\u6240\u4F7F\u7528\u8EDF\u7247\u4E4B\u5C0D\u89D2\u7DDA\u7684\u93E1\u982D\u3002"@zh-hant . "300022676" . "long-focal-length lenses"@en . "objetivos de foco largo"@es . "long focus lenses"@en .