"300022201" . "Realism, Post-Pop"@en . "Photo Realist"@en . "Photo Realism"@en . "Realism, Sharp-focus"@en . "Post-Pop Realism"@en . . "Photo-realism"@en . . "Realist, Sharp-focus"@en . "Sharp-focus Realism"@en . "Verwijst naar de internationale stroming in de schilder- en beeldhouwkunst die eind jaren 60 en begin jaren 70 van de 20ste eeuw populair werd. De stijl kenmerkt zich door de nauwgezette, neutrale weergave van de onderwerpen, vaak straattaferelen of portretten, gemaakt op basis van foto\u2019s of direct van afgietsels van mensen."@nl . . "Fotorealista"@es . "New Realism (Photorealist)"@en . "Cool Realism"@en . "Fotorealismo"@es . "Fotorealistisch"@nl . "Photographic Realism"@en . "Photo-realist"@en . "Realist, Cool"@en . "Photographic Realist"@en . "Refers to the international movement in painting and sculpture that became popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The style is characterized by the precise, objective rendering of subject matter, often street scenes or portraits, taken from actual photographs or direct casts from human figures."@en . "Realism, Cool"@en . "Se refiere al movimiento internacional de pintura y escultura popular a fines de la d\u00E9cada de 1960 y principios de los a\u00F1os setenta. El estilo se caracteriza por la interpretaci\u00F3n precisa, objetiva del tema, a menudo escenas callejeras o retratos, tomados de fotograf\u00EDas reales o vaciados directos de figuras humanas."@es . "2016-06-22T16:17:42"^^ . "Sharp-focus Realist"@en . "New Realist (Photorealist)"@en . "Realism, Photographic"@en . "Cool Realist"@en . "Photorealism"@en . "Photorealist"@en . "Realist, New (Photorealist)"@en . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "Realist, Radical"@en . "Realist, Photographic"@en .