"\u7528\u4EE5\u8868\u793A\u8207\u4F0A\u65AF\u862D\u7684\u7D20\u840A\u738B\u671D\u6709\u95DC\u7684\u85DD\u8853\u8207\u6587\u5316\u3002\u7D20\u840A\u738B\u5BA4\u662F\u57C3\u53CA\u7684\u6CD5\u8482\u746A\u54C8\u91CC\u767C\u4EE3\u7406\u4EBA\uFF0C\u65BC\u897F\u5143 1047 \u81F31138 \u5E74\u9593\u7D71\u6CBB\u8449\u9580\u3002\u52E2\u529B\u9F90\u5927\u7684\u7D20\u840A\u738B\u671D\u7D71\u6CBB\u8005\u963F\u723E\u83AB\u5609\u862D\uFF0E\u963F\u73C2\u99AC\u5FB7\uFF08Al-Mukarram Ahmad\uFF09\u5728\u6B7B\u5F8C\uFF0C\u7531\u5176\u59BB\u963F\u723E\u85A9\u4F0A\u9054\uFF08Al-Sayyida al-Hurra Arwa bint Ahmad\uFF09\u7E7C\u4EFB\u70BA\u7D71\u6CBB\u8005\uFF0C\u4E26\u4E14\u5728\u675C\u5409\u535C\u62C9\uFF08Dhu Jibla\uFF09\u5EFA\u7ACB\u4E86\u65B0\u7684\u7D20\u840A\u738B\u671D\u9996\u90FD\u3002\u5979\u5728\u7576\u5730\u5EFA\u7ACB\u4E86\u4E00\u5EA7\u7687\u5BAE\u4EE5\u53CA\u4E00\u5EA7\u6E05\u771F\u5BFA\uFF1B\u9019\u5169\u5EA7\u5EFA\u7BC9\u7279\u5225\u5F15\u9032\u67D0\u4E9B\u57C3\u53CA\u6CD5\u8482\u746A\u5F0F\u6E05\u771F\u5BFA\u7684\u7279\u8272\u3002\u963F\u723E\u74E6\u65BC\u897F\u5143 1138 \u5E74\u904E\u4E16\u3002\u5176\u6B7B\u5F8C\uFF0C\u96D6\u7136\u76F4\u5230\u5341\u4E8C\u4E16\u7D00\u7D50\u675F\u70BA\u6B62\u67D0\u4E9B\u7D20\u840A\u738B\u671D\u7684\u738B\u5B50\u4ECD\u4F54\u6709\u5821\u58D8\uFF0C\u4F46\u662F\u7D20\u840A\u738B\u671D\u7684\u5BE6\u8CEA\u52E2\u529B\u537B\u5DF2\u6D88\u5931\u6B86\u76E1\u3002"@zh-hant . "Refers to the art and culture of the Islamic dynasty of this name that ruled the Yemen as representatives of the Fatimid caliphs of Egypt from 1047 to 1138. Al-Sayyida al-Hurra Arwa bint Ahmad, the wife of the powerful Sulayhid ruler Al-Mukarram Ahmad (reigned 1067-84), ruled after her husband's death and established a new Sulayhid capital at Dhu Jibla. There she built a palace and a mosque that notably introduced several features characteristic of Fatimid mosques in Egypt. With Arwa's death in 1138, the effective power of the Sulayhid dynasty ended although a few Sulayhid princes continued to hold fortresses until the end of the twelfth century."@en . "Sulayhida"@es . "\u7D20\u840A"@zh-hant . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "Sulayhid"@en . "su lai"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Se refiere al arte y cultura de la dinast\u00EDa isl\u00E1mica de mismo nombre que gobern\u00F3 Yem\u00E9n como representantes de los califas Fatimida de Egipto entre el a\u00F1o 1047 y 1138. Al-Sayyida al-Hurra Arwa bint Ahmad, la esposa del poderoso gobernador Sulayhida Al-Mukarram Ahmad (rein\u00F3 entre 1067-84), gobern\u00F3 despu\u00E9s de la muerte de su esposo y estableci\u00F3 una nueva capital Sulayhida en Dhu Jibla. En ese lugar construy\u00F3 un palacio y una mezquita que introducen varios notables rasgos caracer\u00EDsticos de la mezquita Fatimida de Egipto. Con el fallecimiento de Arwa en 1138, el poder efectivo de la dinast\u00EDa Sulyahida finaliza, sin embargo algunos pr\u00EDncipes mantienen fortalezas hasta fines del siglo XII."@es . . . "Sulayhidisch"@nl . "2017-08-25T11:25:21"^^ . "Salaihid"@en . "su lai"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . . "s\u00F9 l\u00E1i"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "300021788" . "Verwijst naar de kunst en cultuur van de islamitische dynastie met deze naam die als vertegenwoordigers van de Fatimid-kaliefs van Egypte van 1047 tot 1138 over Jemen regeerde. Al-Sayyida al-Hurra Arwa bint Ahmad, de vrouw van de machtige Sulayhid-heerser Al-Mukarram Ahmed (regeerde 1067-84), regeerde na de dood van haar echtgenoot en vestigde een nieuwe Sulayhid-hoofdstad in Dhu Jibla. Daar bouwde ze een paleis en een moskee die bekend stonden om de introductie van verschillende kenmerken die karakteristiek waren voor Fatimid-moskee\u00EBn in Egypte. Met Arwa's dood in 1138 eindigde de effectieve macht van de Sulayhid-dynastie, hoewel enkele Sulayhid-prinsen forten bleven bezitten tot het eind van de 12de eeuw."@nl .