"hoog-Victoriaans"@nl . . . "Se refiere al estilo Victoriano, principalmente en arquitectura y artes decorativas, producido desde aproximadamente 1850 a alrededor de 1870. Mientras el Renacimiento G\u00F3tico todav\u00EDa imperaba, la arquitectura y las artes decorativas del Victoriano Cl\u00E1sico demuestran un uso m\u00E1s ecl\u00E9ctico de formas g\u00F3ticas y un inter\u00E9s mayor en color, textura y efectos pl\u00E1sticos."@es . "\u6307\u7D041850\u81F31870\u9593\u7684\u7DAD\u591A\u5229\u4E9E\u98A8\u683C\uFF0C\u4E3B\u8981\u7528\u65BC\u6307\u7A31\u5EFA\u7BC9\u548C\u88DD\u98FE\u85DD\u8853\u3002\u7576\u6642\u4ECD\u4EE5\u54E5\u5FB7\u5FA9\u8208\u5F0F\u70BA\u4E3B\u6D41\uFF0C\u4F46\u76DB\u671F\u7DAD\u591A\u5229\u4E9E\u5F0F\u5EFA\u7BC9\u8207\u88DD\u98FE\u85DD\u8853\u5448\u73FE\u51FA\u6298\u8877\u7684\u54E5\u5FB7\u5F62\u5F0F\uFF0C\u66F4\u5F37\u8ABF\u7528\u8272\u3001\u8CEA\u611F\u548C\u9020\u5F62\u6548\u679C\u3002"@zh-hant . "sheng ch'i wei to li ya shih"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Refers to the Victorian style, mainly in architecture and decorative arts, produced from about 1850 to about 1870. While the Gothic Revival still dominated, High Victorian architecture and decorative arts demonstrate a more eclectic use of Gothic forms and a greater interest in color, texture, and plastic effects."@en . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "Alto G\u00F3tico Victoriano"@es . "Victoriano cl\u00E1sico"@es . "2017-08-25T11:19:04"^^ . "High Victorian"@en . "\u76DB\u671F\u7DAD\u591A\u5229\u4E9E\u5F0F"@zh-hant . . "Verwijst naar de Victoriaanse stijl, voornamelijk in de architectuur en kunstnijverheid van circa 1850 tot circa 1870. Terwijl de neogotiek nog dominant was, vertoonden de hoog-Victoriaanse architectuur en kunstnijverheid een meer eclectische toepassing van gotische vormen en een grotere belangstelling voor kleur, textuur en plastische effecten."@nl . "\u9AD8\u7D1A\u7DAD\u591A\u5229\u4E9E\u98A8\u683C"@zh-hant . "sheng qi wei duo li ya shi"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "300021234" . "sh\u00E8ng q\u01D0 w\u00E9i du\u014D l\u00EC y\u01CE sh\u00EC"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "Victorian, High"@en .