"2011-01-07T23:42:36"^^ . "Kunstnijverheidsstijl in zwang ten tijde van het regentschap in Frankrijk (1715-1723)."@nl . "Regency (French)"@en . . . "Se refiere al estilo franc\u00E9s de arquitectura y artes decorativas entre aproximadamente 1710 y 1730 y que incluye el per\u00EDodo entre 1715 y 1723 cuando Philippe II, Duque de 'Orl\u00E9ans sirvi\u00F3 como regente a Luis XV. Considerado una fase temprana del Rococ\u00F3, se caracteriza por la introducci\u00F3n de temas m\u00E1s fr\u00EDvolos y decoraci\u00F3n como chinoiserie, obras grotescas, y fiestas galantes que gradualmente superceden las formas Cl\u00E1sicas m\u00E1s serias asociadas con el Barroco."@es . "300021089" . "r\u00E9gence"@nl . "Refers to the French style of architecture and decorative arts between approximately 1710 and 1730 and including the period between 1715 and 1723 when Philippe II, Duc d'Orl\u00E9ans served as regent to Louis XV. Considered an early phase of Rococo, it is characterized by the introduction of more frivolous subject matter and ornament such as chinoiserie, grotesques, and f\u00EAte galantes which gradually superceded the heavier Classical forms associated with the Baroque."@en . "R\u00E9gence"@en . "r\u00E9gencestijl"@nl . "Regencia"@es . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . .