"\u55AC\u6CBB\u5F0F\u98A8\u683C"@zh-hant . "Refers to the style in architecture, interior design, and decorative arts in Britain and Ireland and spread to the United States during the reigns of George I to George IV, between 1714 and 1830. Some authors omit the reign of George IV and refer to the period ca.1790 to 1830 as Regency. Though Classical forms and motifs dominate, the style encompasses Renaissance and Rococo forms as well as a range of Neoclassical styles such as Pompeiian Revival and Etruscan style."@en . "qi\u00E1o zh\u00EC sh\u00EC f\u0113ng g\u00E9"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "2012-03-16T14:07:10"^^ . "qiao zhi shi feng ge"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "Se refiere al estilo en arquitectura, dise\u00F1o interior, y artes decorativas en Gran Breta\u00F1a e Irlanda y que se extendi\u00F3 a los Estados Unidos durante los reinos de Jorge I a Jorge IV, entre 1714 y 1830. Algunos autores omiten el reino de Jorge IV y se refieren al per\u00EDodo c de 1790 a 1830 como Regencia. Aunque dominan las formas y motivos Cl\u00E1sicos, el estilo abarca las forma del Renacimiento y el Rococ\u00F3 as\u00ED como un rango de estilos Neocl\u00E1sicos tales como el Renacimiento de los estilo Pompeyano y Etrusco."@es . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "ch'iao chih shih feng ko"@zh-latn-wadegile . "\u6307\u897F\u51431714\u81F31830\u5E74\u55AC\u6CBB\u4E00\u4E16\u81F3\u55AC\u6CBB\u56DB\u4E16\u5728\u4F4D\u671F\u9593\u7684\u82F1\u570B\u548C\u611B\u723E\u862D\u5EFA\u7BC9\u3001\u5BA4\u5167\u8A2D\u8A08\u548C\u88DD\u98FE\u85DD\u8853\u98A8\u683C\uFF0C\u6B64\u98A8\u683C\u5F8C\u50B3\u81F3\u7F8E\u570B\u3002\u6709\u4E9B\u4F5C\u5BB6\u6703\u628A\u55AC\u6CBB\u56DB\u4E16\u5728\u4F4D\u671F\u9593\u7D04\u897F\u51431790\u81F31830\u5E74\u5206\u5225\u51FA\u4F86\uFF0C\u53E6\u7A31\u300C\u82F1\u570B\u651D\u653F\u6642\u671F\u300D\u3002\u96D6\u7136\u4EE5\u53E4\u5178\u5F62\u5F0F\u548C\u6BCD\u984C\u70BA\u4E3B\u6D41\uFF0C\u6B64\u98A8\u683C\u4ECD\u5E36\u6709\u6587\u85DD\u5FA9\u8208\u548C\u6D1B\u53EF\u53EF\u98A8\u683C\uFF0C\u4EE5\u53CA\u5305\u62EC\u9F90\u8C9D\u5FA9\u8208\u548C\u4F0A\u7279\u62C9\u65AF\u574E\u98A8\u683C\u7B49\u5728\u5167\u7684\u65B0\u53E4\u5178\u98A8\u683C\u3002"@zh-hant . "300021048" . "Georgian (British Renaissance-Baroque style)"@en . "Georgian"@nl . "Georgiano"@es . . . . "Verwijst naar de stijl in architectuur, binnenhuisarchitectuur en kunstnijverheid in Groot-Brittanni\u00EB en Ierland, en later ook in de Verenigde Staten, tijdens de regeringen van George I tot en met George IV, van 1714 tot 1830. Sommige auteurs laten de regering van George IV buiten beschouwing en verwijzen naar de periode van circa 1790 tot 1830 als de Regency-stijl. Hoewel klassieke vormen en motieven domineren, omvat de stijl ook renaissance- en rococovormen, naast uiteenlopende neoklassieke stijlen als het neopompejisme en de etruskische stijl."@nl .