"yi li sha bai shi yang"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "Se refiere al estilo ingl\u00E9s de arquitectura y artes decorativas producido durante el reino de Isabel I entre 1551 y 1603. Una combinaci\u00F3n de G\u00F3tico, Renacimiento italiano, Manierismo flamenco y franc\u00E9s, y los estilos vern\u00E1culos, se caracteriza por siluetas arquitect\u00F3nicas elaboradas, elementos como remates, pendientes, y entrelazado y en artes decorativas, rica ornamentaci\u00F3n de las superficies."@es . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "Period, culture, and English style of architecture and decorative arts produced during the reign of Elizabeth I between 1551 and 1603. A combination of Gothic, Italian Renaissance, Flemish and French Mannerist, and vernacular styles, it is characterized by elaborate architectural silhouettes, elements suchs as finials, pendants, and strapwork and in decorative arts, rich surface ornamentation."@en . "\u4F0A\u8389\u838E\u767D\u5F0F\u6A23"@zh-hant . "300021036" . "Verwijst naar de Engelse stijl in de architectuur en kunstnijverheid zoals voortgebracht tijdens de regering van koningin Elizabeth I van 1551 tot 1603. Deze stijl is een combinatie van gotiek, Italiaanse Renaissance, Vlaams en Frans mani\u00EBrisme en lokale stijlen, en wordt gekenmerkt door overdadige silhouetten in de architectuur, met elementen als fioelen, druipers en vlechtbandmotieven, en in de kunstnijverheid door rijk versierde oppervlakken."@nl . "i li sha pai shih yang"@zh-latn-wadegile . . "Elizabethaans"@nl . . . "2014-10-24T19:16:25"^^ . "y\u012B l\u00EC sh\u0101 b\u00E1i sh\u00EC y\u00E0ng"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "Elizabethan"@en . "Isabelino"@es . "\u6307\u897F\u51431551\u81F31603\u5E74\u4F0A\u5229\u838E\u767D\u4E00\u4E16\u5728\u4F4D\u671F\u9593\uFF0C\u5EFA\u7BC9\u8207\u88DD\u98FE\u85DD\u8853\u7684\u82F1\u683C\u862D\u98A8\u683C\u3002\u6B64\u98A8\u683C\u7D50\u5408\u4E86\u54E5\u5FB7\u5F0F\u3001\u7FA9\u5927\u5229\u6587\u85DD\u5FA9\u8208\u5F0F\u3001\u6CD5\u862D\u5FB7\u65AF\u5F0F\u3001\u6CD5\u570B\u77EF\u98FE\u4E3B\u7FA9\u548C\u6C11\u9593\u98A8\u683C\uFF0C\u5176\u7279\u8272\u70BA\u7CBE\u5DE7\u7684\u5EFA\u7BC9\u8F2A\u5ED3\uFF0C\u52A0\u4E0A\u5C16\u9802\u98FE\u3001\u5782\u98FE\u8207\u5E36\u72C0\u98FE\u7B49\u5143\u7D20\uFF1B\u8868\u73FE\u5728\u88DD\u98FE\u85DD\u8853\u4E0A\uFF0C\u5247\u6709\u7E41\u8907\u7684\u8868\u9762\u88DD\u98FE\u3002"@zh-hant .