"Mitan\u00ED"@es . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "Verwijst naar de periode van circa 1500 tot 1300 v. Chr. toen in het noorden van Mesopotami\u00EB het Mittanische koninkrijk bloeide. De kunst uit deze periode kenmerkt zich door het fijne ivoorsnijwerk, de vervaardiging van glas en glazuur, brons en ijzerwerk. In de rolzegels worden Babylonische, Egyptische en Ege\u00EFsche motieven gecombineerd."@nl . "m\u00E0i t\u01CEn n\u00ED"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . . "\u7C73\u5766\u5C3C"@zh-hant . . "mai tan ni"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "2017-08-25T11:12:56"^^ . "Mitannian (culture or style)"@en . "Mitannian"@nl . "300020640" . . "mai t'an ni"@zh-latn-wadegile . "\u6307\u65BC\u897F\u5143\u524D1500\u5E74\u81F3\u897F\u5143\u524D1300\u5E74\u9593\uFF0C\u7C73\u5766\u5C3C\u738B\u570B\u65BC\u7F8E\u7D22\u4E0D\u9054\u7C73\u4E9E\u5317\u65B9\u8208\u76DB\u767C\u5C55\u7684\u6642\u4EE3\u3002\u6B64\u6642\u4EE3\u7684\u85DD\u8853\u7279\u8272\u70BA\u7CBE\u7F8E\u7684\u8C61\u7259\u96D5\u523B\u3001\u73BB\u7483\u8207\u91C9\u6599\u7684\u88FD\u9020\u3001\u9285\u5668\u8207\u9435\u5668\u5DE5\u85DD\u7684\u767C\u5C55\uFF0C\u4EE5\u53CA\u878D\u5408\u5DF4\u6BD4\u502B\u3001\u57C3\u53CA\u8207\u611B\u7434\u6D77\u5716\u6A23\u7684\u5713\u7B52\u5716\u7AE0\u3002"@zh-hant . "Se refiere al per\u00EDodo de aproximadamente 1500 al 1300 a.C. en Mesopotamia del norte durante el que floreci\u00F3 el reino de Mitanni. El arte del per\u00EDodo se caracteriza por tallado en marfil, producci\u00F3n de barniz y vidrio, trabajo en bronce y hierro, y sellos de cilindro que combinan motivos babil\u00F3nicos, egipcios y egeos."@es . "Style and culture of the ancient area of northern Mesopotamia, particularly from about 1500 to 1300 BCE, when the Mitanni kingdom flourished. The art of the period is characterized by fine ivory carving, glass and glaze production, bronze and iron working, and cylinder seals combining Babylonian, Egyptian, and Aegean motifs."@en . "\u9081\u5766\u5C3C (\u6642\u4EE3)"@zh-hant .