"\u4F54\u57CE"@zh-hant . "Refers to the style originating in former kingdom of Champa which later integrated with styles of the Vietnamese region and other parts of Southeast Asia. The Cham influence in the Vietnamese region is driven by the spread of animist beliefs, Javanese models and motifs, and Indian-influenced styles and beliefs featuring brahmanes temples adorned with female images, ceremonial rites performed in honor of deified heroes, and religious themes adopted from Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Mahayana Buddhism."@en . "zh\u00E0n p\u00F3"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "\u7528\u6307\u6E90\u81EA\u524D\u5360\u5A46\u738B\u570B\uFF0C\u800C\u5F8C\u8207\u8D8A\u5357\u98A8\u683C\u4EE5\u53CA\u5176\u4ED6\u5357\u4E9E\u98A8\u683C\u7D50\u5408\u7684\u98A8\u683C\u3002\u5728\u6CDB\u9748\u8AD6\u4FE1\u4EF0\u3001\u722A\u54C7\u6A21\u578B\u8207\u5716\u6848\u3001\u53D7\u5370\u5EA6\u5F71\u97FF\u7684\u98A8\u683C\u8207\u4FE1\u4EF0\u7684\u50B3\u5E03\u8207\u50AC\u5316\u4E0B\uFF0C\u5360\u5A46\u65CF\u6587\u5316\u56E0\u800C\u5C0D\u8D8A\u5357\u5730\u5340\u7522\u751F\u4E86\u5F71\u97FF\uFF0C\u5176\u4E2D\u53C8\u4EE5\u88DD\u98FE\u8457\u5973\u4EBA\u5716\u50CF\u7684\u5A46\u7F85\u9580\u5BFA\u5EDF\u3001\u796D\u7940\u795E\u683C\u5316\u82F1\u96C4\u7684\u5178\u79AE\u5100\u5F0F\u3001\u53D6\u81EA\u6FD5\u5A46\u6D3E\u3001\u6BD8\u6FD5\u5974\u6D3E\u3001\u5927\u4E58\u4F5B\u6559\u7B49\u7684\u5B97\u6559\u4E3B\u984C\u6700\u5177\u7279\u8272\u3002"@zh-hant . "2014-08-01T08:29:07"^^ . "zhan po"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "Cham (Vietnamees)"@nl . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "300019181" . "Se refiere al estilo que se origina en el antiguo reino de Champa que m\u00E1s tarde se integr\u00F3 con estilos de la regi\u00F3n Vietnamesa y otras partes del Sudeste Asia. La influencia Cham en la regi\u00F3n Vietnamesa se basa en por la expansi\u00F3n de creencias animistas, modelos y motivos Javaneses y estilos y creencias con influencia india que ofrecen templos brahmanes adornados con im\u00E1genes femeninas, ritos ceremoniales realizados en honor de h\u00E9roes deificados y temas religiosos adoptados de Shaivism, Vaishnavism y Budismo Mahayana."@es . "\u4F54\u5A46"@zh-hant . "chan p'o"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Champa"@en . . "\u6797\u9091"@zh-hant . . . "Cham (Vietnamese)"@en . "Cham (vietnamita)"@es . "Verwijst naar de stijl die ontstond in het voormalige koninkrijk Champa en later opging in stijlen van de Vietnamese regio en andere delen van Zuidoost-Azi\u00EB. De Cham-invloed in de Vietnamese regio groeit door de verspreiding van animistische geloven, Javaanse modellen en motieven, en stijlen en geloven met Indiase invloeden. Brahmaanse tempels versierd met vrouwelijke afbeeldingen, ceremoni\u00EBle rites uitgevoerd ter ere van tot goden verheven helden, en uit het shiva\u00EFsme, visjnoe\u00EFsme en mahayana-boeddhisme overgenomen religieuze thema's nemen een belangrijke plaats in."@nl . .