. "Sakya-school (schilderkunst)"@nl . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "sa chia p'ai"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Sakya School (painting)"@en . "Sakyapa (Tibetan painting style)"@en . "\u6307\u8207\u4F5B\u6559\u56DB\u5927\u5B97\u6D3E\u4E4B\u4E00\u7684\u540C\u540D\u6559\u6D3E\u76F8\u95DC\u7684\u897F\u85CF\u756B\u6D3E\u3002\u85A9\u8FE6\u756B\u6D3E\u767C\u5C55\u65BC\u85A9\u8FE6\u5BFA\u9662\uFF0C\u7279\u6307\u4FC4\u723E\u5BFA\uFF08monastery of Ngor\uFF09\uFF0C\u65BC\u897F\u5143\u5341\u4E09\u81F3\u5341\u516D\u4E16\u7D00\u671F\u9593\u76DB\u884C\u65BC\u897F\u85CF\u4E2D\u90E8\u3002\u85A9\u8FE6\u7E6A\u756B\u591A\u534A\u4EE5\u591A\u500B\u66FC\u9640\u7F85\u7D44\u6210\uFF0C\u5176\u7279\u8272\u70BA\u4F7F\u7528\u5747\u52FB\u7684\u5E73\u5857\u8272\u5F69\uFF0C\u5177\u6709\u8056\u50CF\u7279\u8CEA\uFF0C\u4EE5\u53CA\u5E73\u8861\u5176\u5B97\u6559\u610F\u5473\u8207\u8996\u89BA\u8907\u96DC\u5EA6\u7684\u76F4\u63A5\u8868\u73FE\u3002"@zh-hant . "Escuela tibetana de pintura asociada con la orden budista del mismo nombre, una de las cuatro \u00F3rdenes principales. La escuela, que floreci\u00F3 desde los siglos XIII al XVI en Tibet central, se desarroll\u00F3 en los monasterios Sakya, particularmente en el monasterio de Ngor. Las pinturas Sakya est\u00E1n a menudo compuestas de m\u00FAltiples mandalas caracterizados por colores planos, de calidad semejante a la de un icono, y una franqueza global que complementa su complejidad religiosa y visual."@es . "Tibetaanse schilderschool die is gelieerd aan de boeddhistische orde met dezelfde naam. Deze behoort tot een van de vier belangrijkste orden. De school, die floreerde vanaf de 13de tot de 16de eeuw in het midden van Tibet, ontstond in Sakya-kloosters, vooral in het klooster van Ngor. Sakya-schilderijen bestaan vaak uit meerdere mandala's die zich kenmerken door effen kleuren, een icoonachtige kwaliteit en een algemene directheid die de religieuze en visuele complexiteit ervan aanvult."@nl . . "2015-01-16T10:10:08"^^ . "sa jia pai"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "300018857" . "\u85A9\u8FE6\u6D3E (\u7E6A\u756B)"@zh-hant . "s\u00E0 ji\u0101 p\u00E0i"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "Tibetan school of painting associated with the Buddhist order of the same name, one of the 4 main orders. The school, which flourished from the 13th to the 16th centuries in central Tibet, developed in Sakya monasteries, particularly in the monastery of Ngor. Sakya paintings are often composed of multiple mandalas characterized by even, flat colors, an icon-like quality, and an overall directness that complements their religious and visual complexity."@en . "Ngor School"@en . "Escuela de Sakya"@es . "Nor School"@en . "Sa-kya-Bris"@en . .