"Aksumita"@es . "Aksumite"@en . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "\u7528\u4F86\u6307\u4F0A\u7D22\u5339\u4E9E\u7684\u6642\u4EE3\u4EE5\u53CA\u8A72\u6642\u4EE3\u7684\u7269\u8CEA\u6587\u5316\u907A\u7522\uFF0C\u6839\u64DA\u5176\u7279\u8272\uFF0C\u61C9\u767C\u5C55\u65BC\u516C\u5143\u524D\u4E03\u767E\u5E74\u5DE6\u53F3\uFF0C\u4F46\u66F4\u660E\u78BA\u7684\u6642\u9593\u64DA\u63A8\u65B7\u70BA\u516C\u5143\u524D\u4E00\u4E16\u7D00\u81F3\u516C\u5143\u4E00\u5343\u5E74\u9593\u3002"@zh-hant . "\u00DAsese para ambos, el per\u00EDodo Et\u00EDope y para describir sus vestigios culturales materiales que tienen caracter\u00EDsticas que se desarrollaron alrededor del a\u00F1o 700 a.C., pero m\u00E1s espec\u00EDficamente atribuidas a la era entre la primera centuria a.C. y alrededor de 1000 a.C."@es . . . "\u0101 k\u00E8 s\u016B m\u01D4 t\u00E8"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "Aksum"@es . "Te gebruiken voor de Ethiopische periode en voor de materi\u00EBle culturele overblijfselen daarvan, die zich ontwikkelden vanaf circa 700 v. Chr. maar die over het algemeen worden toegeschreven aan het tijdvak van circa 100 v. Chr. tot circa 1000 n. Chr."@nl . "a k'o su mu t'e"@zh-latn-wadegile . "Axum"@nl . "Use both for the Ethiopian period and to describe its material cultural remains having traits that developed around 700 BCE, but more specifically attributed to the era between the first century BCE and around 1000 CE."@en . "\u963F\u514B\u8607\u59C6\u7279"@zh-hant . "Axumite"@en . "2013-03-29T09:37:11"^^ . "300015703" . . "a ke su mu te"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone .