"ijzeroxiderood"@nl . "red iron oxide"@en . "iron oxide red (pigment)"@en . "red oxide (pigment)"@en . . . . "2014-01-08T11:26:19"^^ . . . . "Oxidrot"@de . . "Refers to a variety of dense, permanent pigments that produce a wide variety of red shades ranging from light, bright red to a deep purplish red. Pigments can be natural, earth pigments (hematite, Indian red, Venetian red) or synthetically prepared pigments (light red). All iron oxide reds are stable, permanent pigments with good tinting strength and are the primary colorant in ochers and siennas. The pigment was first manufactured in the early 18th century. Today it is often a furnace product made from steel-mill waste."@en . . "rojo \u00F3xido de hierro"@es . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . . "oxyde de fer rouge"@fr . . . "300013537" . . "Un producto de horno por lo general hecho de desperdicios de acer\u00EDa. Uno de los pigmentos b\u00E1sicos del artista, es denso, permanente, y de un matiz profundo rojo ladrillo. Primero fue fabricado a principios del siglo XVIII, y fue usado por el Artista Americano Benjam\u00EDn West (1738-1820)."@es .