"\u9444\u9435"@zh-hant . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "Aleaci\u00F3n de hierro que incluye caracter\u00EDsticamente carb\u00F3n y silicio, con gran resistencia a la compresi\u00F3n, pero baja resistencia a la tensi\u00F3n. Una amplia gama de construcciones y elementos decorativos son fabricados con hierro fundido, al vaciar el metal fundido en moldes de arena y despu\u00E9s mecanizarlos."@es . . "chu t'ieh"@zh-latn-wadegile . "An iron alloy containing about 2 to 4% carbon and 1 to 3% silicon, having a high compressive strength but low tensile strength. Cast iron is manufactured by melting scrap iron or pig iron in a cupola that is in contact with the coal fuel, then casting the molten iron into a mold. A large range of building and decorative items are made of cast iron by pouring the molten metal into sand molds and then machining. It is inexpensive and easy to make. It was made in China by at least the 3rd century BCE; the technique for its production did not reach Europe until medieval times."@en . "Een ijzerlegering die koolstof en silicium bevat, met een hoge compressiesterkte maar een lage treksterkte. Er worden zeer veel verschillende objecten van gietijzer gemaakt door het gesmolten metaal in zandvormen te gieten en vervolgens machinaal verder te verwerken. De objecten worden gebruikt in de bouw en als decoratieve en gebruiksvoorwerpen."@nl . "cast-iron"@en . . . . "zhu tie"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . . . "fonte (cast iron)"@fr . "300011004" . "zh\u00F9 ti\u011B"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "\u4E00\u7A2E\u9435\u5408\u91D1\uFF0C\u542B\u67092%\u52304%\u7684\u78B3\u53CA1%\u52303%\u7684\u4E8C\u6C27\u5316\u77FD\uFF0C\u6297\u58D3\u5F37\u5EA6\u9AD8\uFF0C\u4E0D\u904E\u62C9\u4F38\u5F37\u5EA6\u537B\u5F88\u4F4E\u3002\u63A5\u89F8\u7164\u71C3\u6599\u4E4B\u7194\u9435\u7210\u7194\u5316\u5EE2\u9435\u6216\u751F\u9435\uFF0C\u4E4B\u5F8C\u5C07\u7194\u878D\u9435\u6CE8\u5165\u9444\u6A21\u800C\u88FD\u6210\u9444\u9435\u3002\u5927\u898F\u6A21\u5EFA\u7BC9\u7269\u8207\u88DD\u98FE\u7269\u54C1\u90FD\u4EE5\u9444\u9435\u88FD\u6210\uFF0C\u88FD\u6210\u65B9\u5F0F\u5C07\u7194\u878D\u91D1\u5C6C\u6CE8\u5165\u6C99\u6A21\u5F8C\u518D\u4EE5\u6A5F\u5668\u52A0\u5DE5\uFF0C\u88FD\u9020\u904E\u7A0B\u4FBF\u5B9C\u4E14\u5BB9\u6613\u3002\u6700\u665A\u897F\u5143\u524D\u4E09\u4E16\u7D00\u4E2D\u570B\u5C31\u53EF\u88FD\u9020\u9019\u7A2E\u9435\u88FD\u54C1\uFF0C\u4E0D\u904E\u8A72\u6280\u8853\u4E00\u76F4\u5230\u4E2D\u4E16\u7D00\u624D\u50B3\u81F3\u6B50\u6D32\u3002"@zh-hant . "gietijzer"@nl . "hierro colado"@es . "2015-05-20T11:02:53"^^ . "hierro fundido"@es . "cast iron"@en .