"windows, double frame"@en . "ventana doble"@es . "Two windows, one outside the other, as storm windows, used to provide improved thermal and noise insulation."@en . "frame windows, double"@en . . "2013-03-29T10:11:19"^^ . "dubbele ramen"@nl . . "Twee ramen, de een aan de buitenzijde van de andere, die worden gebruikt voor betere warmte- en geluidsisolatie."@nl . "300002972" . . "\u96D9\u5C64\u7A97"@zh-hant . "ventanas dobles"@es . "double window"@en . "glazing, sealed double"@en . "sealed double glazing"@en . "double windows"@en . "doble ventana"@es . "shuang ceng chuang"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "double glazing, sealed"@en . "shu\u0101ng c\u00E9ng chu\u0101ng"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "windows, double"@en . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "double frame windows"@en . "\u5305\u542B\u5167\u5916\u5169\u5C64\u7684\u7A97\u6236\uFF0C\u5982\u9632\u98A8\u96E8\u7684\u5916\u91CD\u7A97\u7528\u4EE5\u63D0\u5347\u4FDD\u6696\u8207\u9632\u566A\u97F3\u6548\u679C\u7684\u7A97\u6236\u3002"@zh-hant . "dubbel raam"@nl . "shuang ts'eng ch'uang"@zh-latn-wadegile .