. "Spitsen met acht zijden, waarvan vier zijden evenwijdig lopen aan de vier zijden van de torenromp."@nl . "punz\u00F3n de \u00E1pice o cima"@es . "achthoekige spits"@nl . "achthoekige torenspits"@nl . "pa chiao chien t'a"@zh-latn-wadegile . . "espet\u00F3n"@es . "broached spires"@en . "\u516B\u89D2\u5C16\u9802"@zh-hant . "2014-02-14T09:20:42"^^ . "achtkantige torenspitsen"@nl . "broach spire"@en . "\u8073\u7ACB\u65BC\u65B9\u5F62\u5854\u6A13\u4E0A\u7684\u516B\u89D2\u5C16\u9802\uFF1B\u65B9\u5854\u53CA\u516B\u89D2\u5C16\u9802\u9593\u7121\u4F4E\u77EE\u64CB\u7246\uFF0C\u4E09\u89D2\u9310\u7684\u908A\u89D2\u4F3C\u8CAB\u7A7F\u5854\u6A13\u822C\uFF0C\u8986\u84CB\u65BC\u5854\u6A13\u4E0A\u7684\u56DB\u500B\u65B9\u89D2\u3002"@zh-hant . "achtkantige spits"@nl . "espetones"@es . "achthoekige torenspitsen"@nl . "300002362" . "achtkantige torenspits"@nl . "1988-01-01T00:00:00"^^ . "achtkantige spitsen"@nl . "achthoekige spitsen"@nl . "Octagonal spires rising from a square tower without an intervening parapet, the four angles of the tower being covered by corner segments of a pyramid seeming to penetrate the tower."@es . . "Octagonal spires rising from a square tower without an intervening parapet, the four angles of the tower being covered by corner segments of a pyramid seeming to penetrate the tower."@en . "ba jiao jian ta"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-notone . "broach spires"@en . "\u516B\u89D2\u5C16\u5854"@zh-hant . "b\u0101 ji\u01CEo ji\u0101n t\u01CE"@zh-latn-pinyin-x-hanyu . "spires, broach"@en .