. . "G. Sergio, Parole di moda. Il \"Corriere delle dame\" e il lessico della moda nell'Ottocento, Milano, 2010."@it . "\u00ABReal Academia Espa\u00F1ola\u00BB. Accedido 20 de noviembre de 2018. http://www.rae.es/"@es . "A. Donnanno, Modabolario. Parole e immagini della moda. Dizionario tecnico-creativo. Storia del costume tessuti e tessitura tecniche sartoriali accessori e stilisti, Milano, 2018"@it . "Becker, Udo. Enciclopedia de Los S\u00EDmbolos. Barcelona: T\u00E8ia, 2008."@es . "Daisy"@en . "s. f. [lat. margar\u012Bta \u00ABperla\u00BB, dal gr. \u03BC\u03B1\u03C1\u03B3\u03B1\u03C1\u1F77\u03C4\u03B7\u03C2] Nome di varie piante composite tubuliflore appartenenti per la maggior parte ai generi crisantemo e leucantemo."@it . "Marguerite"@fr . . "Subst. f\u00E9m. Empr., par l\u2019interm. du lat. margarita, du gr. margarit\u00EAs \"perle\". Nom donn\u00E9e \u00E0 des fleurs appartenant \u00E0 la famille des Compos\u00E9es pr\u00E9sentant un coeur jaune et des p\u00E9tales blancs rayonnants. La marguerite est aussi un motif floral g\u00E9om\u00E9tris\u00E9, souvent hexagonal."@fr . "E. Bianchi, Dizionario internazionale dei tessuti, Como, 1997"@it . "Margherita"@it . "Margarita"@es . . "Del lat. margar\u012Bta 'perla', y este del gr. \u03BC\u03B1\u03C1\u03B3\u03B1\u03C1\u1F77\u03C4\u03B7\u03C2 margar\u00EDt\u0113s. Planta herb\u00E1cea de la familia de las compuestas, de 40 a 60 cm de altura, con hojas casi abrazadoras, oblongas, festoneadas, hendidas en la base, y flores terminales de centro amarillo y corola blanca, que es muy com\u00FAn en los sembrados. En el arte medieval constituye un atributo mariano, s\u00EDmbolo de la vida eterna y redenci\u00F3n."@es . "Simpson, John; Weiner, Edmund (eds). The Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1989. [www.oed.com]"@en . "Maria Teresa Lucidi ( a cura di), Glossario dei termini tecnici occidentali, cinesi e giapponesi, in La seta e la sua via, Roma, 1994"@it . "F. Pizzato, Tessuti & C. Piccolo dizionario dei termini del mestiere, Milano, 1992"@it . "Treccani online. Accessed 03 March 2020. http://www.treccani.it//vocabolario/versione"@it . "Dictionnaire de l'Acad\u00E9mie fran\u00E7aise, https://www.dictionnaire-academie.fr/article/A9M1100"@fr . "n. Usually known as daisy, but also marguerite, it is a term form the Old English \"d\u00E6ges\" and the Middle English \"dayesye\" \"daysie\", among others, meaning the eye of the day. The denomination marguerite is borrowed from the French \"marguerite\". It refers to the representation of the common daisy, \"Bellis perennis\", a familiar and favourite flower of the British Isles and Europe generally, having small flat flower-heads with yellow disk and white ray (often tinged with pink), which close in the evening; it grows abundantly on grassy hills, in meadows, by roadsides, etc., and blossoms nearly all the year round; many varieties are cultivated in gardens."@en .