"Abanico alfonsino \n \nBibliograf\u00EDa comparada: \n-Aleteos, Colecci\u00F3n de abanos do Museo Provincial de Lugo .Lugo. Diputaci\u00F3n Provincial de Lugo, 2002, p.75, 40; pp. 82- 83, n\u00BA 82 y 83 \n-MERINO DE C\u00C1CERES, Maruja: \"Alfonsino Fans in Madrid\u00B4s Nacional Museum of Decorative Arts\" en FANS, The Bulletin of The Fan Circle International. 2006, n\u00BA 82, pp. 10-14. \n -MERINO DE C\u00C1CERES, Maruja y GARC\u00CDA LOU, Ana : \" Costumbrismo in Spanish fans of the 19th and early 20th Centuries\" en FANA JOURNAL, New York , Fall 2007,pp.4-14."@es . . . .