. . . "In the center foreground, a richly dressed woman (Penelope) is seated at a carpet-covered table. Only the upper half of her figure is visible. A small loom rests on the table before her. In her right hand she holds a shuttle while her left hand manipulates the harnesses of the loom. The entire composition is framed by a delicate cusped arch supported on a pair of slender columns. Across the front edge of the table is the following inscription: PENELOPE COIVNX SEPER VLIXIS ERO. \n\nThe tapestry is woven using wool yarns in rich blues, greens, reds, and yellows with 5-6 warp threads per centimeter. \"Multiple hand drawn objects\" are woven across the lower part. This is the third tapestry in a series bearing arms of Ferry de Clugny."@en .