"British Galleries:\nAlthough this waistcoat is made of expensive materials, it was a very informal style of garment, worn by both men and women. Documentation is sparse, but these knitted garments seem to have been produced in workshops. They were knitted in panels and sold in sets, to be sewn up at home. [27/03/2003]\n7. JACKETS\nHand-knitted in silk and silver-gilt thread\nItalian, 17th century\n\nThese jackets were constructed from separated panels of knitting joined together. The floral patterns in stocking stitch and purl were influenced by contemporary woven silk designs.\n\nThe now faded coral-coloured jacket (back view shown) is lined with blue coarsely-woven linen and has the remains of silk binding at the neck. The other is less well-knitted and finished, has gussets added from another garment and is unlined. There are long floats of yarn on the reverse of the knitting.\n\nThese garments were fashionable from the late 16th until the early 18th century. One of the latest references to them appears in a London paper of 1712 reporting the theft of 'a green silk knit waistcoat with gold and silver flowers all over it, and about fourteen yards of gold and silver lace thick upon it.'\n\nSimilar jackets have survived in many parts of Europe and it is assumed that they came from one centre of production - Italy seems most likely as silk yarns were most easily obtainable there. It is possible that the knitted pieces were stitched together by the purchaser.\n\n106-1899 and 807-1904 [1985]"@en . . . .