. "Female doll of stuffed cotton fabric dressed in garments of satin damask, cotton and silk, gold beaded silk gauze, gold braid, and beads of white metal and of silvered glass.\nThe figure represents a Muhammadan lady of high rank. The features and hair are stitched onto the white cotton ground in black, red and white thread. She wears full trousers of white cotton striped with satin, short outer robe of flowered white satin damask edged round the bottom and at the cuffs with cherry coloured satin and embroidered at the waits, front and cuffs with gold thread. In the right hand is a pink silk handkerchief, and round the neck is a blue silk scarf. Over this scarf is a triple string of white metal beads and an initation diamond (glass) brooch. On her head is a small round cap of gold braid, with a pink cotton rose to the right side. Down the back hangs a long plait-case of black satin edged with sliver braid. Enveloping the whole upper body is a brown silk gauze veil, speckled with raised gilt sports The hands and feet are covered with red silk to imitate the henna stain."@en . . .