"Isaac, Veronica. 2018. \"Walking in Flora and Fauna: A Nineteenth-Century Dress and Hat.\" In Fashioned from Nature, edited by Edwina Ehrman, 94-99. London: V & A Publications.\nno. 222\nCullen, Oriole et al. Hats : An Anthology by Stephen Jones. London : V & A Publishing, 2009"@en . . "Isaac, Veronica. 2018. \"Walking in Flora and Fauna: A Nineteenth-Century Dress and Hat.\" In Fashioned from Nature, edited by Edwina Ehrman, 94-99. London: V & A Publications.\nno. 222\nCullen, Oriole et al. Hats : An Anthology by Stephen Jones. London : V & A Publishing, 2009"@en . . .