. . . "Fragment of a trouser panel (Nakshe) of plain weave cotton embroidered with silk in straight stitches.\n\nThe top right hand corner is missing. Incomplete pattern.\n\nThere is a series of diagonal lines from lower right to upper left. These are chevron lines in blue and green.\n\nThere are two sizes of stripes:\n[1] narrow stripes: yellow flower with a central detail of a 4-petalled blue and light blue flower. To the lower right is a semi-circular flower in shades of blue. To the left is a carnation outlined in light blue.\n[2] wider stripe: a mass of small flowers. The embroidery is worn and parts are missing.\nThreads: dark pink, dark blue, light blue, yellow, cream, light green, dark green, blue, light pink, light grey silk; 2S"@en .