"Abanico de \"dise\u00F1o mandar\u00EDn\" ver: _DeLeo, Thomas: \"Letters to the Editor\" en FANS, The Bulletin of The Fan Circle International. Summer 2008, n\u00BA 86, p.5. \n \nBibliograf\u00EDa comparada: \n- HUTT, Julia: \"Chinese fans and fans from China\" en FANS FROM THE EAST, England, London, Debrett\u00B4s Peerage Ltd., 1978. p.35, n\u00BA 14. \n- MERINO DE C\u00C1CERES, Maruja: Orientals fans in the Natinal Museum of Decorative Arts in Madrid. En: FANS, The Bulletin of Fan Circle International. Londres, 2007, n\u00BA 85 pp. 22-29"@es . . . .