. . "Miniature silk programme, a single sheet inserted into a folding card programme. The silk is printed in black ink on cream silk, is dated Monday June 26th 1882, and lists the cast starring Edwin Booth as Richelieu, followed by the other members of the cast, Mr. J.G. Shore as Louis XIII, Mr. Samuel Fisher as Gaston, Mr. E.H. Brooke as Baradas, Mr. Eben Plympton as Adrian de Mauprat, Mr. Lin Raye as De Beringhen, Mr. Hawtrey as Clermont, Mr. Robert Pateman as Joseph, Mr. Edward Prince as Huguet, Mr. William Younge as Francois, Mr. F. Mellish as First Secretary, Mr. J. Eversley as Second Secretary, Mr. J. Eversley as Third Secretary, Mr. D. Daniels as Captain of the Guard, Miss Bella Pateman as Julie de Morteman, and Miss Ellen Meyrick as Marion de Lorme. The management of Mr Wynn Miller is printed in upper case letters, underneath which is listed the name of the Stage Manager Mr. Robert Pateman, the Assistant Stage Manager Mr. R.S. Parker, and the Scenic Artist Charles Brooke. Along the bottom of the programme is noted: 'Furniture & Upholstery by Messrs. White, Winter & Co.' The card programme is printed in blue on the front cover: 'ADELPHI THEATRE Mr. EDWIN BOOTH AS RICHELIEU Monday June 26th, 1882.' The back of the card features a colour image of a bunch of orange and red flowers."@en . .