. "The Venetian gros point needle lace that covers the surface of this stole would have taken skilled hands many months to produce. For this reason, it was highly prized long beyond its popularity in the seventeenth century. This is part of the set 10.186.1, .2, .3, .5 that comprises a chasuble, maniple, stole, and chalice veil."@en . . "1651 / 1700, Italy" . "10.186.3" . . . . . "The Venetian gros point needle lace that covers the surface of this stole would have taken skilled hands many months to produce. For this reason, it was highly prized long beyond its popularity in the seventeenth century. This is part of the set 10.186.1, .2, .3, .5 that comprises a chasuble, maniple, stole, and chalice veil."@en . "0.4821"^^ . . "1651 / 1700, Italy" . . .