. . . "Outer kimono (uchikake) for a young woman, of green satin silk with a design of floral and foliage roundels across the sleeves and top part of the garment, both back and front. There are also five paulownia crests (mon), two on the top front and three across the top back. The roundels, which sometimes overlap each other and sometimes appear singly, are embroidered in polychrome floss silk predominantly in satin stitch and its variation long and short stitch. There is also laid and couched work in various metallic colours, the crests also being worked in this technique. The garment is lined throughout with red cr\u00EApe silk self-patterned in the warp with small chrysanthemum roundels and Buddhist motifs. The cuff ends of the sleeves are faced with plain weave red cr\u00EApe silk. The garment has a large wadded hem."@en .