. . . "Said to have been worn by the donor's mother Agneta McCall, born in London in 1886 (one of the seven children of Sir Robert McCall of the Middle Temple. However, a note found inside one of the shoes reads \"My mother's first cousin Nora MacSwiney (89 in 1966) sent me these for one of my babies. They had been used by babies in her family\""@en . . "Said to have been worn by the donor's mother Agneta McCall, born in London in 1886 (one of the seven children of Sir Robert McCall of the Middle Temple. However, a note found inside one of the shoes reads \"My mother's first cousin Nora MacSwiney (89 in 1966) sent me these for one of my babies. They had been used by babies in her family\""@en . "Given by Mrs Celia Tate." .