"Transferred from India Museum in 1879. Slip book entry 3155: 'Silk Piece / Agra / 1855 / Plain yellow - Narrow in Width / See F - Book 553 - 541'. Fragments of this length were included in John Forbes Watson's Textile Manufactures of India, Volume XIV, captioned 'Prov. No. 553 / No. 541 / India Fabrics / Silk Piece Goods / Yellow silk (Durreeaee). Very narrow. Length 20 yards 18 inches; width 11 1/2 inches. Weight 1lb 1/4 oz. Price 1l. 9s. 8 1/2d. From Agra; Bengal'"@en . . . "Transferred from India Museum in 1879. Slip book entry 3155: 'Silk Piece / Agra / 1855 / Plain yellow - Narrow in Width / See F - Book 553 - 541'. Fragments of this length were included in John Forbes Watson's Textile Manufactures of India, Volume XIV, captioned 'Prov. No. 553 / No. 541 / India Fabrics / Silk Piece Goods / Yellow silk (Durreeaee). Very narrow. Length 20 yards 18 inches; width 11 1/2 inches. Weight 1lb 1/4 oz. Price 1l. 9s. 8 1/2d. From Agra; Bengal'"@en . .