"Transferred from the India Museum in 1879. Slip book entry 3766: 'Male Clothing / Lahore / 55 / Cashmere Choga / White Robe & Red Satin Tunic & also Red Silk drawers Silk Strings attached'. 1880 Register entry: '05643. CHOGA. Scarlet cashmere, embroidered with gold. Robe, white muslin, embroidered with gold. Tunic, red satin. \"Pyjamas,\" striped red silk with silk strings; Lahore\""@en . "Transferred from the India Museum in 1879. Slip book entry 3766: 'Male Clothing / Lahore / 55 / Cashmere Choga / White Robe & Red Satin Tunic & also Red Silk drawers Silk Strings attached'. 1880 Register entry: '05643. CHOGA. Scarlet cashmere, embroidered with gold. Robe, white muslin, embroidered with gold. Tunic, red satin. \"Pyjamas,\" striped red silk with silk strings; Lahore\""@en . . . .