"About 1460, commissioned by Guillaume de Hellande (d. 1462), Bishop of Beauvais, for the cathedral of Beauvais; about 1793, removed from the cathedral [see note 1]. 1844, returned to the cathedral by M. Mansard, Voisinlieu (near Beauvais) [see note 2]; 1906, given back to the Mansard family [see note 3]. 1925, Arnold, Seligmann, Rey and Co., New York [see note 4]. William Randolph Hearst (b. 1863 - d. 1951), New York. 1938, Arnold, Seligmann Rey and Co., New York; 1938; sold by Arnold, Seligmann Rey to the MFA for $35,000. (Accession Date: April 16, 1938)\n\nNOTES:\n[1] This was part of a series of narrative tapestries depicting the Life of Saint Peter, presented by Guillaume de Hellande to the cathedral in commemoration of the truce signed at Tours during the Hundred Years' War. The series was dismantled and removed from the church during the French Revolution. See Pierre Constant Barraud, \"Notice sur les tapisseries de la Cath\u00E9drale de Beauvais,\" M\u00E9moires de la Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 Acad\u00E9mique du D\u00E9partement de l'Oise 2 (1852): 167-172. \n\n[2] Five tapestries from the series, which had been used to cover the walls of the criminal court, were returned to the cathedral in that year, and Mr. Mansard returned this tapestry at the same time. See Barraud 1852 (as above, n. 1), p. 172. \n\n[3] Marthe Crick-Kuntziger, \"A Fragment of Guillaume de Hellande's Tapestries,\" Burlington Magazine 45, no. 260 (November, 1924), pp. 225-226.\n\n[4] George Leland Hunter, \"Notes on Various Works of Art,\" Burlington Magazine 46, no. 265 (April, 1925), p. 193. / Bartlett Collection\u2014Museum purchase with funds from the Francis Bartlett Donation of 1912" . . . . .