"1400s, Hispano- Moresque"@en . . "Samples of coloured threads from this object have been taken and are being analysed as part of a collaboration between the V&A and the Spanish Research project \"Caracterizaci\u00F3n de als producciones textiles de la Antig\u00FCedad Tard\u00EDa y Edad Media temprana: tejidos coptos, sas\u00E1nidas, bizantinos e hispanomusulmanes en las colecciones p\u00FAblicas espa\u00F1olas\" (\"Characterization of Late Antique and Early Medieval textile production: Coptic, Sasanian, Byzantine and Spanish Muslim textiles in Spanish national collections\") (HAR2008-04161) directed by Dr Laura Rodr\u00EDguez Peinado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Dpt. de Historia del Arte I (Medieval)."@en . . "Heavy [...] woven in silk. Woven in various colours and stripes with characteristic ornaments in saffron-yellow on a purple ground. [...] From the Maria Church in Danzig. \nTranslation from German in Dr. Bock's Revise, 1883 - by N. Swaep. For the German text, see registers. []"@en . "Silk damask. Green, red and blue stripes alternating with yellow/brown patterns on a blue ground."@en . "2021-02-10T00:00:00"^^ .