"Garter of woven silk inscribed 'OUR PRINCE IS BRAVE OUR CAUSE IS JUST'. At each end is a chequer pattern in green, blue, yellow, orange and white."@en . . "Jacobite garter of woven silk, inscribed with a message of support for Charles Edward Stuart. England, ca. 1745"@en . "'The Manchester Magazine', 30 December 1746 : \"Several looms have lately been employed to furnish watch strings and garters with this elegant motto God preserve PC and down with the Rump\"; and 'Gentleman's Magazine' 1748 p.461 (essay on garters) : \" ...not to be daubed with plaid and crammed with treason. I was creditably informed that garters of this sort were first introduced in the late rebellion by some female aid de camps [sic]\". quoted in M. Darby, 'Jacobite Garters', Victoria & Albert Museum Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 4, October 1966, pp. 157-163)."@en . . "2021-02-10T00:00:00"^^ .