spirit of turpentinespirits of turpentineoil of turpentineterpentineturpentine oil
A volatile, flammable liquid obtained as the steam distillate from the thick resinous extract from coniferous trees; the crude resin contains about 65 percent rosin (solid residue) and 18 percent oil of turpentine. The volatile distillate, or oil of turpentine, is a mixture of cyclic monoterpene hydrocarbons, with the major component being pinene. Turpentine has been known since classical times. It is primarily used as a solvent for artist paints and varnishes, a cleaner for paint brushes, and a solvent for many natural resins, waxes, oils, plastics, and rubber. Three major grades of turpentine exist. The best quality turpentine is fresh, clear and thin. Turpentine thickens and yellows with age; moisture can cause cloudiness in varnishes.Solvente o diluyente tradicional para el aceite de secado (como aceite de linaza), destilado de la resina exudada por algunos árboles, como el alerce europeo, el abeto blanco y el pino de hoja larga americano.Veel gebruikt oplosmiddel of verdunner voor een drogende olie (zoals lijnolie). Wordt gedistilleerd uit de hars van bepaalde boomsoorten, zoals de Europese lariks, zilverspar en een Amerikaanse den.